PJ’s Pit Stop

A message from the President

For those wondering if Chapter 37 is still functioning, the answer is Yes, Airborne!

While the Pandemic hit us like high winds on a Drop Zone, we survived and will move forward with the Esprit de Corp the Special Forces is known for.

It gives C37 much pleasure to announce a new Chapter Officer Bill Stach! Bill, a former Jump Master with the 12th SFG(A) has stepped in the door to take charge as C37’s Secretary. Bill has honorably served for many years in the 12th as an Aviation NCO and after he was Honorably Discharged, he Reupped when conflict broke out in the Middle East and continued his service and mission with the Special Forces. A big tip of the Beret to Bill Stach for stepping up and filling that slot! We Thank You and have the upmost confidence that You will do C37 and the Special Forces Association proud.

C37 still has a new Treasurer CW5(R) Michael F Tuman (No he didn't fly helicopters, but he jumped out of them).  He served with PSYOPS in support of 3rd Group and MI in support of 10th 5th and 19th Groups.

The Pandemic had shut our fund raising down for the past three years, besides monthly meetings and a 2021 Dinner cruise and Christmas party, we have not had our usual Fundraising activities. Because of that and the untimely passing of our Newsletter Editor/Past President Paul Medici, we were forced to make financial decisions, painful ones at that. We are looking to publish the quarterly “Sneaky Pete” on this web page in the near future!  Get ready and Stand in the door…Green Light soon!

The Chapter 37 Events have been updated and I will continue to update this website as often as I am able in the future.

Please continue to log in here or our Facebook page for further updates


Patrick J Crimmins

Copyright 2023 Special Forces Association Chapter XXXVII